
My name is Damian Hamill and I enjoy working with Ruby and Javascript and solving challenging tech problems. I am a former CTO of a UK tech startup (that failed sigh) and I have been cutting code since 1990. Before becoming a CTO I was Technical Director of an ISP in the UK at the beginning of the Internet’s dramatic rise in popularity. I also instigated the creation of the UK’s Internet service Providers Association.

Developing the ISP service provided an opportunity to develop some interesting technology. In the days of Dialup modems I implemented the first dynamic DNS system to support SMTP email to dialup clients and I implemented a system to insert unobtrusive text advertising into email bound for users of our free dialup service.

If only I had realised at the time advertising would become the backbone of the Internet revenue model!!!

As CTO of a UK tech startup I designed the architecture and implemented a proof of concept for a totally reliable distributed email service and lead a team in the development of the product.

What I do

When not under contract I spend most of my free time exploring new technologies and frameworks and working on my own startup projects. I am currently working on my Smart Boat Network project which is a mobile application (SmartBoat on Apple and Google app stores), a web application BoatData and Raspberry Pi and microcontroller hardware to enhance the interaction with a boat’s electronic systems and bring instrument data to anywhere on the boat.

When not at the computer I enjoy messing about with my boat, reading books and dancing to cuban music. I hope that whatever I write here will be useful to you.

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